Download GreedyTorrent

Thank you for deciding to download GreedyTorrent. This page provides links to download GreedyTorrent installation packages. GreedyTorrent installation package is a self-extracting setup wizard which will guide you through the installation process.

Click here to download GreedyTorrent now! (2040047 downloads)
Freeware, Version 1.01 beta build 170
Size: 1.15 MB (1210304 bytes)
Download time is less than a minute on a broadband connection.

I agree to the terms and conditions specified in GreedyTorrent License Agreement.


You need to configure your BitTorrent client before using GreedyTorrent. Click here to get a list of supported clients and step-by-step guides on how to configure them.

Release details

The latest release of GreedyTorrent is v1.01 beta (build 170). This release has been downloaded 2040047 times since March 14, 2007. You can read about the features and advantages of this version here.